Improved Way to Generate Multicarrier Complementary Phase-coded (MCPC) Radar Signal with Higher Resolution and Immunity
Graphical Abstract
The contradictory requirements for Multicarrier complementary phase-coded (MCPC) radar signal parameters setting to improve delay/Doppler resolution and DC offset influence on MCPC radar performance had been analyzed. An improved way to generate MCPC signal and a Doppler resisted signal detection method were proposed. The proposed approach improved MCPC radar performance by modifying modulation sequences to adjust subcarrier spacing dynamically. Analysis and simulation result shows the new MCPC radar signal with the proposed detection approach has several properties including unchanged Doppler resolution, unchanged signal peak-to-mean envelope power ratio, improved delay resolution, higher Doppler tolerant and more immunity to phase noise. Furthermore, DC offset effects can be eliminated by adjusting subcarrier spacing to avoid signal modulation on zero frequency and around. By comparison with multicarrier bi-phase radar signal, which has large pulse compression ratio, the new MCPC radar signal has better delay resolution and auto-correlation properties with less subcarriers and bits.