Upper Bounds on Lifetime of Three DimensionalExtended UWB Sensor Networks
Graphical Abstract
The upper bounds on lifetime of three
dimensional extended Time hopping impulse radio Ultra-
wide band (TH-IR UWB) sensor networks are derived us-
ing percolation theory arguments. The TH-IR UWB sen-
sor network consists of n sensor nodes distributed in a cube
of edge length n1=3 according to a Poisson point process
of unit intensity. It is shown that for such a static three
dimensional extended TH-IR UWB sensor network, the
upper bound on the lifetime is of order O(n¡1), while in
the ideal case, the upper bound on the lifetime is longer
than that of a static network by a factor of n2=3. There-
fore sensor nodes moving randomly in the deployment area
can improve the upper bound on network lifetime. The re-
sults also reveal that the upper bounds on network lifetime
decrease with the number of nodes n, thus extended TH-
IR UWB sensor networks aren't prone to be employed in
large-scale network.