On the Outage Capacity of MIMO Systems withPeriodic Feedback
Graphical Abstract
This paper considers the Multiple-input-
multiple-output (MIMO) systems with periodic feedback
under the assumption that the channel state remains quasi-
static within a fading block and varies from one block to the
next based on Markov random process. It is assumed that
the Channel state information (CSI) is perfectly known at
the receiver and fed back to the transmitter once every
period. Given the feedback-capacity constraint in terms of
maximum number of feedback bits per block, the relation-
ship between the outage capacity and the feedback rate
is analyzed. The analysis shows that the outage capacity
is a non-monotonic convex function of the feedback rate
and there exists the maximum value of the outage capac-
ity. Then, to maximize the outage capacity, the optimal
feedback rates are given by numerical results.