Chinese Hairy Brush: A Physically-based Modelfor Calligraphy
Graphical Abstract
This paper presents a physically-based virtual Chinese hairy brush model which can be used as adigital tool for learning or creating Chinese calligraphy orChinese painting. The whole framework of the proposedmethod comprises three components, i.e., brush geometrymodel, brush dynamic model and ink model. Instead ofsimulating the brush with bristles, our geometry modeluses points to simulate the whole brush bundle, which candrastically decrease the complexity inherent in the conventional bristle-level approach. The dynamic model describesthe behavior of the real brush's deformation in terms ofthe interaction of the external and internal forces with thevirtual writing paper, and a spring network is derived tocalculate the physical deflection of brush according to theforce exerted on it. The ink model describes the process ofink depositing in which brush geometry model is instancedand transformed into a real screen presentation.