Scheduling Rate-Constrained Flows with Dynamic Programming Priority in Time-Triggered Ethernet
Graphical Abstract
Time-triggered (TT), Rate-constrained (RC) and Best-effort (BE) traffics are included in Timetriggered ethernet (TTEthernet). For RC messages transmission is affected by TT messages, traditional scheduling policy cannot be well applied in TTEthernet. Dynamic programming priority (DPP) algorithm combines priority policy and dynamic programming algorithm for scheduling RC flows. The time slice for RC flows transmission is got by SMT solver YICES; RC flows are classified to different groups according to the priorities; Higher priority packets in one time slice are scheduled using First input first output (FIFO) policy and lower priority packets are scheduled by Dynamic programming policy. DPP policy guarantees different real-time requirements of heterogeneous RC flows, and make the best of time slice resource in aviation industries. The upper bound End-End of three methods and algorithm feasibility is analyzed. Simulation in aviation shows that DPP policy can obtain better real-time performance than other scheduling algorithms.