A Privacy Protection Strategy for Source Location in WSN Based on Angle and Dynamical Adjustment of Node Emission Radius
Graphical Abstract
We propose two novel methods to improve the source location privacy security protection and the node energy utilization in Wireless sensor networks (WSN). A privacy preservation protocol for source location in WSN based on angles(APS) and an Enhanced protocol for source location (EAPS), which dynamically adjusts emission radius during routing. The APS protocol produces geographically dispersed phantom source nodes and utilizes the energy from the energy-abundant regions to make the routing path versatile among the entire network. In the EAPS protocol, according to the number of its own adjacent nodes, residual energy and the distance to the base station, a node adjusts its radius adaptively. Experiments show that the two novel protocols can improve the security and take advantage of the residual energy in the network balance the network life and energy consumption in comparison with the existing routing protocols based on the phantom sources.